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Sunday 5 June 2016

How To Trace A Lost/Stolen Android Mobile For Free

Posted by Unknown
Here,is a blog that shows/reviews you to find your personal Android Mobile when it has been stolen/missed.Many people are using their personal mobile carelessly and got stolen/lost/missed.Almost there are many Android users lost their mobiles and become sad and dull.Now,this is the blog that reviews you how to trace a stolen/lost Android Mobile for free and best way to trace your Android Mobile.

Trace Your Lost/Stolen Android Mobile

So,Let's start tracking the lost/stolen Android Mobile.First of all you need to create a ''Google Play Store'' Account I mean ''G-Mail''.''G-Mail'' is the plays the major role in the Internet.So,better you create a ''G-Mail'' Account for Free.After that Login to your ''Google Play Store'' Account with your free G-Mail Account on your personal Android Mobile.Now,go to the ''Play Store App'' on your personal Android Device.And type in the search box as ''Android Device Manager''.

Download And Install

Now,go to ''Setting'' on your Android Device to trace stolen/lost android mobile.And go to ''More Settings'' option.

After,that ''Turn On the location'' or ''GPS''- Global Positioning System.

Now,again go back to the ''Settings''and tap on ''Security Option''.

Now,click/tap on ''Device Administrators'' option.

Now,Select the ''Android Device Manager'' and activate it to trace a lost/stolen android mobile.

Now,open the ''Android Device Manager''App on your personal mobile.And Sign In with your ''G-Mail'' account.

Now,you can trace the stolen/lost android mobile.

The ''blue dot'' or may some time shows the navigative arrow mark as shows the current location of a android mobile.Finally,the lost/stolen android mobile has been traced for free.


When you are tracing a lost/stolen android mobile.The Android Mobile should to connected to Wi-fi or Mobile Data,must be already install ''Android Device Manager'' App on the android device,must and should be ''Location or GPS'' are of turned on.Then,only this trick works properly to trace stolen/lost android mobile.


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