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Sunday 5 June 2016

Transfer Images,Videos,Files,Documents From Mobile To PC/LAPTOP Wirelessly

Posted by Unknown
At present people are struggling to transfer Images,Videos,Files,Documents,Songs etc..etc.. From Mobile To Pc/Laptop Wirelessly.There are many ways to transfer Images,Videos,Songs,Files,Documents by using ''Data Cables''.But they are time consuming and wastes the lot's of valuable time.But,here is a blog that reviews you to transfer images,videos,files,documents from mobile to PC/LAPTOP Wirelessly.And saves the valuable time and transfers files easily and fastly.So,Let's start tranfering images,videos,files,documents,songs from mobile to pc/laptop wirelessly.

Transfer Files From Mobile to Pc/Laptop Wirelessly :

To Transfer Files From Mobile to Pc/Laptop Wirelessly.Then,you want to download and install the ''Dropbox'' App on your Android Mobile from ''Google Play Store''.And just open it.

After installing the ''Dropbox'' App on your Android Mobile ''Open'' it and ''Sign In'' with your ''G-Mail'' Account and sign in.

After signing into the ''Dropbox Account''.Then,Download the latest ''Dropbox Software'' for your personal Pc/Laptop wirelessly For Free to transfer images,videos,files,documents from Android Mobile to Pc/Laptop for free.

''Download'' and install the latest software of ''Dropbox''.After Installing the ''Dropbox'' software on your Pc/Laptop wirelessly ''Open'' the ''Dropbox'' and ''Sign In'' with the same ''G-Mail Account'' either on Android Mobile nor in Pc/Laptop wirelessly for free.

After complection of ''Dropbox'' software on your personal Pc/Latop to transfer files,videos,songs,images,documents from mobile to pc/laptop wirelessly.Now,you want to open the ''Dropbox'' shortcut that has created during installation on your ''Desktop''.Sign In with your g-mail account and start transfering videos,songs,files,images,documents from mobile to pc/laptop wirelessly.

Now,the last and finally step to transfer songs,images,videos,files,documents from mobile to pc/laptop wirelessly for free is when your are taken/captured or downloaded any images,files,documents,videos,songs etc..etc..Then,your documents,files,images,videos,songs are automically added/transfers to your pc/laptop wirelessly.

After transfering the documents,files,songs,videos,images etc..etc..You can see the files like documents,songs,images,videos,images are found in the ''Dropbox'' shortcut on your desktop.

Click on the camera Uploads to view you tranfering documents,files,songs,videos,images etc..etc..You can see the files in it.

Remember :

Transfer of images,songs,documents,videos,file from mobile to pc/laptop is done only when the both the pc/laptop and mobile that are connected with the ''Internet Connection'' as ''Wi-Fi''.If does not connected to the Wifi as ''Internet Connection'' this tricks does not works to transfer songs.files,videos,music,documents,images etc..etc...

But,Finally this trick works to transfer photos,albumb.songs.files,videos,music,documents,images etc..etc...


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